Focused Life-Force Energy will support positive life changes, enhance health, and assist you to raise your level of consciousness.

What is Focused Life-Force Energy? (FLFE)

FLFE is a subscription service that activates a high-consciousness field around a property or object such as a cell phone.

The technology utilizes quantum association to activate a high-consciousness field in conjunction with positive declarative statements that have been calibrated to raise consciousness.

From the very first day that I turned on the switch, I felt a perceptible shift in the energy of my house.

"I’ve known Clayten, the co-founder of FLFE, for over 15 years. As an author and health advocate, I’ve trusted his work in regards to shielding myself and my family from the negative effects of EMF fields. 

I was delighted to experiment with the FLFE service. To be honest, I thought it sounded a little hokey at first, but having had so much positive experience from Clayten’s work, I thought, heck, why not give it a try.

From the very first day that I turned on the switch, I felt a perceptible shift in the energy of my house. At first, I thought it might have been somatic, but then I could feel a shift when I turned the switch off. 

Not trusting that I wasn’t projecting something into it, I decided to do experiments with other people who didn’t know what the technology was to see if they could feel something different in the house.

Although it was a very unscientific, about 70% of the people coming in as individuals or groups could feel something different just by me turning it off and on.

Since that time, I’ve personally used the program on my phone and on my home. I have no fear about the potential negative consequences of EMFs since using this technology.

I suggest and recommend it to all of my friends for health and peace of mind.

Try a 15-Day Free Trial to see if it’s right for you, a gift to you with absolutely no obligation or credit card required."

~ Wade Lightheart

Electro-Magnetic Field Mitigation

All FLFE subscriptions include our EMF Mitigation Program, which reduces the consciousness-lowering effects of EMFs.

It works by raising the level of consciousness of a device emitting consciousness-lowering EMFs. This results in the EMFs emitted going from being consciousness-lowering to neutral or consciousness-increasing in an environment. 

The program also uses the energetic signature of the mineral shungite to harmonize, neutralize, deflect, and dissipate consciousness-lowering EMFs.

The EMF Mitigation program reduces 99% or more of all consciousness-lowering EMFs in an environment. For more information about the EMF mitigation program, including third-party experiment results, click here

The FLFE service activates a high-consciousness field around a property or object such as a cell phone. In conjunction with written programs — or positive declarative statements — the FLFE device directs life-force energy to a specified location or object.

What's Included?

In addition to a higher Level of Consciousness for your environment, all of our paid subscriptions (FLFE EVERYWHERE, PROPERTY, and Smarter EMF) include the following features:

  • EMF Mitigation

  • Brain Optimization

  • Energized Nutrients

  • Enhanced Immune Support

The Flagship products, FLFE Everywhere and FLFE Property have a suite of features and benefits for each of the following:

  • Health, including: Immune support, hydration support, antioxidant support, GI Tract Optimization, Energized Food and Energized Nutrient support, Liver-Kidney-Gallbladder Optimization, Brain Optimization, Anti-Stagnation, enhanced Grounding and enhanced personal energy.

  • Energizing support, for more personal energy and more life-force energy in the environment for plants, pets, and you.

  • Enhancing including: support for better sleep, deeper meditations, enhanced concentration, and support for creative endeavours.

  • Daily Boost: 5 minutes for FLFE Everywhere and 30 minutes with FLFE Property subscriptions.

  • Grounding & Clearing (Property Only), including: Clearing the negative history of the land, clearing of geopathic stress, and other types of environmental interference (underground water flow, traffic, etc.), plus enhanced grounding.

Understanding Levels of Consciousness

Dr. David Hawkins wrote about levels of consciousness in his ground-breaking work Power vs. Force. In this book, he explains that everything has a level of consciousness measurable on a scale of 0 – 1000.

Negativity in all its forms including apathy, shame, guilt, anger, fear, and pride fall below 200, while positivity such as courage, willingness, acceptance, reason, love, peace, and enlightenment start at 200 and move toward 1,000.

The typical level of consciousness of a sacred site might range from 550 to 650. These are levels of love, joy, peace and transcendence.

Whether you’ve been to a sacred site, or can recall moments of love for a partner, a newborn baby, a family member — or even the joy of a cat purring on your lap or your dog licking your face — you’ve had experiences of levels of consciousness OVER 500.

Focused Life-Force Energy (FLFE) services are designed to create a consistent high-consciousness environment to thrive in. This field can be activated and focused on a property, business, or object such as a cell phone.

Each subscription contains programs to specify the characteristics of the activated field, such as the level of consciousness. The FLFE system, a conjunction of the FLFE machines, and the FLFE programs, then sends energy to the specified location or object.

FLFE’s services are guaranteed to reach a level of consciousness of 560 on the Hawkins Map at least 98% of the time. 

Experience higher levels of consciousness simply by activating your FREE Trial.

Blessings from Wade on your spiritual journey!

Wade receives a small commission from subscriptions purchased through this page.